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Thursday, September 22, 2016

I'm tired. Overwhelmed by so many things these few months
It's not getting better
Work is getting hectic
Everything is more than what I can handle
LG yesterday was one of the most fearful moment of my life
What was I afraid of? Fear of conveying the wrong message, saying the wrong things
Dear Heavenly Father, will you remove this fear in me and not allow the Devil to deceive me
I believe in you, I believe that you will not give me anything more than I can handle
You put me in this place for a reason, although I still do not understand why
Please reveal it to me, in any way

Blogged @ 8:28 AM
Don't let me go -

Friday, September 11, 2015

I'm moving on to a new environment soon
Time flies. 3 years have past
I still remember the first day when I stepped into the office
And met different people who came and left
10+ farewells, changed 3 supervisors and 3 dept heads in my 3 years of work
It seems like it's just yesterday
I'm happy that I have finally moved on
Which I have hoped for
But I will definitely miss the times here
I'm thankful for what I've been through
It makes me stronger
To face the challenges ahead
I'm looking forward and at the same time, feeling uncertain about the future
No matter what, I'm assured that God will be with me, comforting and strengthening me. :)

Blogged @ 7:45 PM
Don't let me go -

Friday, July 24, 2015

Within a span of 3 weeks,
2 left and 1 more leaving
My team is gonna left with me, myself and I
Everyone is just taking advantage of us and stepping over us ever since our boss left
I can't get things done
What I've said has no impact at all
The big boss is too busy to bother about me

Updated 24th August 2015
Realized that I have typed the above and saved as draft
But I still decided to keep it and post this

Things turned out for the better recently
I'm seeing a glimpse of light from this darkness
From a place where I'm feeling alone and lost
In God's grace, He has shown me the light
It is true that God will not give you anything more than you can bear
At the most bottom pit, He has reached out his hand for me
I really appreciate the people He has placed around me
The encouragement from them, even just by being my listening ear, I'm thankful for them
Awaiting for the good news soon. :)

Blogged @ 7:01 PM
Don't let me go -

Friday, June 26, 2015

Received a wake up call last week
A shocking yet meaningful one
It woke me up from 26 years of dreaming
It really makes me wonder, what do we live for?
If it is for ourselves, why do I not find any satisfaction at all?
The life game reflected exactly our life, except that it's being fast forward
We study to attain our certs
We look for jobs
We climb the career ladder
We get married
We have kids
We grow old
We have sickness 
We die
Is this what we are looking for?
I went through all these stages in just 2 full days
Yes of course, in the meantime, we help others physically and financially 
But doing good does not necessarily lead to true salvation!
We still go to hell. Why?
By simply following blindly, we had fallen into the devil's trap
Are we serving money or God?
Are we living for our own selfish ambitions or for God's will?
We sought after money and power for our whole life
But are we really happy?
Even in the game, i saw Christians stealing, breaking the law and gambling
That's human sinful nature
It's very scary when you see all these from a top perspective
Everything is so real!
We have been busy all our lives in order to follow the society, but have we really pause to think of what do we really want?
This is what most humans are convicted of
But sadly, we will only realize this during end times
A lot of people broke down because of the game
Misled information, lost of faith, doubts and conviction
It will either increase our faith or totally break it
It is even more hurting when you only realized during end times that what you have believed for your whole life is totally wrong as compared to not believing from the start.  
I will reflect on this...

Blogged @ 11:57 AM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I'm finally back for some updates.

I can't believe I actually gave a testimony late last year during Thanksgiving service. 
And yes, to the whole church.
Others were saying about their healing etc.
And for me, it was my personal encounter with God (As mentioned in the earlier post)
I'm not someone who is good in public speaking 
But I was surprisingly calm when I was giving the testimony.
It was the holy spirit who strengthened and comforted me
I'm honored to be able to share all these encounters with others and of course, giving the glory to God. :)

Another one of my wish list is gonna be fulfilled soon!
I finally picked up violin, which I have always wanted to
So far so good.
I'm still learning the foundation, will update more again

Blogged @ 11:39 AM
Don't let me go -

Friday, December 12, 2014

I finally passed my driving! It's still so unbelievable! Before the test, i was super nervous. So i prayed to God that HE will grant me peace, give me a lenient tester (preferably a Malay) and to pass the test. Then I saw a vision of myself crossing the finishing line. And indeed, all three came true! I was calm throughout the test, had a Malay tester and I passed! Praise the Lord! It was my first time seeing a vision. At first, i doubted it but God proved it to me. God is good! :)

Blogged @ 8:27 AM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

I know this is weird, but I'm experiencing identity crisis recently (I know that it happens mostly to adolescents).
It seems that I'm in the wilderness, with a loss of direction and purpose
Who am I? What's my role in life?
This could be due to being compared to others, resulting in feeling inferior
Everyone has their talents etc.
But I've been searching mine for a long time
What exactly is it?
What makes me different from others?
Does my presence make a difference?
Am I someone being placed as the last priority or even conveniently forget about it?
I have been asking these questions to myself
I guess it's the fear of being unnoticed, ignored and neglected
I need some enlightenment...

2 resignations in 2 days
The situation is getting worse.
Everything seems like a mess now
A lot of deadlines to meet
Working on A task halfway and task B comes in and C task is on the way. :\
Been too busy for job hunting
Hopefully by the end of this year.

Looking forward to Korea and Vietnam trip! Yay!
Gonna see 2 out of the new 7 wonders of the world! :D
Need to set aside some money for the 2 trips. $$

Korean class was good!
I learnt basic conversational phrases and now able to read almost 95% of the characters!
Comes in handy for the upcoming trip. :)
안녕히 가세요

Blogged @ 10:28 PM
Don't let me go -