Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I'm back to reality after a short break
I entered the casino at last
Though I went in 3 times and caught twice
The person thought I'm underage. Lol
It's really so huge inside that I think I will get lost
And I've won a bit... Haha... Guess it's beginner's luck
So I never played again after I've won
Scared I will lose back the money
Everybody won too! expect for my parents. =(
Don't mention that already
I'm utterly disappointed in them
It's fun going together in a big group
But there are cons as well
Unable to communicate with one another, need to wait here wait there etc
Have to acc my bf and his friend, and to acc my family and relatives
How I wish I can teleport
It's a totally different experience from the trips before
Though it's the same place
I didn't get to try alot of stuff like watching movie, going for karoake, shopping etc
Only went to theme park and casino and eating
If I were to go again, I will try other stuff ba
Sugar is sick. =(
She's having diarrhoea for 4 days already
And she's trembling
Gonna bring her to see doctor tommorrow morning
Just called to make appointment
It hurts to see her like this
Sugar, get well soon...
Pics to share. =D
My 1st time going here. =) |
My aunt's room. So big right? |
My sis celebrated her bday there |
But why does it seems that it's Javier's bday. Lol |

My 3 mischievious cousins |

Blogged @ 9:42 PM
Don't let me go -